Sunbed – Important Information

We are proud members of The Sunbed Association who are the voice of the tanning industry, therefore we promote responsible tanning by following all protocol laid out to us.

Before your sunbed session:

  • If any signs of redness exist from a previous sunbed or sunbathing session, seek advice from a member of staff
  • Ensure you know the location of the sunbeds emergency STOP button and how to switch it off if required
  • Remove all cosmetics from your face and body
  • Take off jewellery and remove contact lenses
  • Do not use outdoor sun lotions or sunscreens
  • Ensure you understand the instructions on the length of your sunbed session applicable to your skin type – NEVER EXCEED THIS LIMIT
  • Put on the protective eyewear provided (winkease)
  • Do not consume alcohol prior to or during your sunbed session

During your sunbed session:

  • Always wear the protective eyewear provided (winkease)
  • Do not allow anyone else in the room when the sunbed is switched on
  • You may use an appropriate lotion specifically designed for use with a sunbed (Protan lotion available to purchase at reception)
  • If you notice or feel any abnormal skin reactions during the tanning session, stop the sunbed immediately and seek advice from a member of staff

After your sunbed session:

  • Do not sunbathe on the same day as you use a sunbed or vice-versa
  • Leave 48 hours between your sessions
  • Keep skin moisturised after and inbetween tanning sessions
  • Take a break from tanning each year and between each course
  • If at any time you notice lumps, sores or unusual moles on your skin, consult your doctor.


UV radiation can cause injury to the eyes, so always ensure you wear appropriate eye protection. Burning and over-exposure to UV may lead to skin-ageing and even skin cancer. Certain medicines and cosmetics may increase the skin’s sensitivity. You must also NOT use tanning injections. Read the following instructions carefully.

Contra-indications to Tanning:

As with exposure to natural sunlight, UV may pose a risk to certain people. Anyone on the precautionary list below must not use a sunbed or sunbathe.

  • Anyone under the age of 18
  • Anyone with fair, sensitive skin that burns easily and does not tan in sunlight
  • Anyone who has or has had skin cancer, or if anyone in your immediate family has or has had melanoma
  • Anyone with a medical condition that becomes worse in sunlight
  • Anyone with an excessive number of freckles and/or moles
  • Anyone with a history of sunburn, especially in childhood
  • Anyone who is or suspects they may be pregnant without consulting with your GP first
  • Anyone taking medicines or drugs which increase the skins sensitivity when exposed to UV. The following may cause such reactions but this is not an exhaustive list: anti-biotics, blood pressure medication, anti-depressants, some contraceptive pills (check the leaflet), eosin, analgesics, diuretics, anti-malarials or psoralens. This is not an exhaustive list. The information leaflets accompanying medicines normally indicates if any of the drugs may cause photo-sensitivity. If unsure, please seek advice of a pharmacist or your GP.